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SendForensics Integration for Benchmark Email

Optimize your deliverability and ensure the highest engagement from your campaigns.

With our SendForensics integration, you can analyze the deliverability of your campaigns before you hit send. Plus, get all the best reporting after the send to ensure you’re maximizing your email marketing ROI.



  • Benchmark Email Account (works with Free Starter Plan)
  • SendForensics Account

Integration Is Fast & Easy:

  • No download necessary
  • Ensure your email campaigns are hitting the inbox
  • Create quality engagement with the power of email marketing

How to Integrate:

Please note: As this is an integration built by SendForensics, the process to integrate will begin within their tool.

  1. Login to your SendForensics account and Click on Account and then Domains.
  2. To choose the desired domain, click on Manage Plugins.
  3. Click on Add Plugin and select Benchmark and enter your API key (login to your Benchmark Email account, go to Account Settings in the user menu and either generate or copy and paste your API key at the bottom of the page) and press the blue Activate button.

If you have any questions on integrating with SendForensics, please consult their support
