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Affiliate Partner

Earn with Benchmark

Get 25% of each sale ... every single month!

Join the Affiliate Program to promote Benchmark’s suite of online marketing services on your site. Website (and blogs) that target small businesses can earn money by introducing Benchmark to your visitors.

Join the many Benchmark Partners and make up to thousands of dollars per month!

  • Recurring 25% commission on every referral
  • No cost or resources required. Just sign up for FREE!
  • Commissions paid monthly

How the Affiliate Program Works

When you join our Affiliate Program, you will be supplied with a range of banners and textual links you place within your website or blog. When a user clicks on one of your links, they will be brought to our website and we’ll associate that vistor with your Affiliate account. If they signup for an account, you’ll receive a 25% commission on each of their payments!

Recurring Income

When your referral orders an account, you’ll earn 25% of both the initial sale and any recurring payment they make.

Example: You refer a new user who signs up for an account at $60/month. You’ll earn $15 for each month they remain a Benchmark user, and if they upgrade their account you’ll make even more. And that’s just one account!

The longer your referrals use their account, the more money you make.

What Tools Do I Get as a Partner?

Banners & Videos

Use our custom-designed banners, text and email ads. Everything is ready to use and available via your account.

Sales & Commission Stats

View free trials and paying users you have referred to us and how much money you’re making.

Payout Schedule

You will be paid each month that you earn $30 or more. If your commission totals less than $30 in a given month, your earnings will rollover to your next month’s payment.

To activate your Affiliate account, click the button below and enter your basic information.

Become a Partner