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  • MyThemeShop

MyThemeShop Integration for Benchmark Email

Add MyThemeShop contacts to your Benchmark Email list(s)

With our MyThemeShop integration, you can automatically add your MyThemeShop leads from your exit intent popups and opt-in forms to a Benchmark Email list. Send automated follow-ups from the moment they submit their information. Available free with every Benchmark account.



  • Benchmark Email Account (works with Free Starter Plan)
  • MyThemeShop premium plugin(s) Content Locker Pro and/or WP-Subscribe Pro

Integration Is Fast & Easy:

  • No download necessary
  • Automatically add leads to your Benchmark Email list(s)
  • Create quality engagement with the power of email marketing

How to Integrate Content Locker Pro:

Please note: As this is an integration built by MyThemeShop, the process to integrate will begin within WordPress.

  1. If you haven’t already, install MyThemeShop’s Content Locker Pro premium plugin.
  2. When logged to your WordPress Dashboard hover to Content Locker and click on Settings.
  3. Click on Subscription Options, click the dropdown to Add Newsletter Service and select Benchmark Email from the Mailing Service dropdown.
  4. Enter the necessary details. Select the Benchmark Email list to which you’d like to add contacts. Hit Save Changes.
  5. To save your emails, enable the Save Email option for each of the required service. You can make the changes by going to the All Lockers section and then enabling the Save Email option for each of the social accounts and email. This would save the email address which the user will use to sign in to their social account to unlock the locked content on your website.
  6. To check the integration, create a test Sign-In Locker to lock the content.
  7. Preview the post. Add a test email to sign in via Email and unlock the content.
  8. Once you have unlocked the content, go to Leads and check whether the test email that you had entered is recorded or not. If the lead is recorded, congratulations, the Benchmark integration is working fine with the Content Locker Pro.

How to Integrate WP-Subscribe Pro:

Please note: As this is an integration built by MyThemeShop, the process to integrate will begin within WordPress.

  1. If you haven’t already, install MyThemeShop’s WP-Subscribe Pro premium plugin.
  2. When logged to your WordPress Dashboard hover to Appearance and click on Widgets.
  3. If the widget is not available, first add the widget from the Available Widgets section to the required section (Sidebar or Footer) and then go to the WP-Subscribe Pro Widget and select the service as Benchmark. 
Enter the necessary details. Save the settings in the end.
  4. Now preview the website and check by entering the necessary details in the front end.
  5. You have successfully enabled and integrated WP-Subscribe Pro widget with Benchmark.

You can also integrate Benchmark with the WP-Subscribe Pro popup form. Here’s how:

  1. In your WordPress Dashboard, hover to Settings and click on WP-Subscribe Pro.
  2. Enable Popup and click on Popup Content.
  3. Select the service as Benchmark Email and fill the other necessary details. Hit Save Changes once complete.

If you have any questions on integrating with MyThemeShop, please consult their support.