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  • Campaign Archive

Email Campaign Archive

Give customers unlimited access to your emails

Turn your Emails into easy-to-view webpages, and open them from your website as an archive. At Benchmark, you can store your campaigns online for as long as you remain a customer. You can give your current contacts and website visitors instant access to your past newsletters and promotions. Your emails will continue to be viewed online—long after you've sent them.

Create an Archive Homepage for your Emails

  • Create a single home page with thumbnails and links to all past emails you have sent.
  • It can be accessed by anyone on the web.
  • Bring all of your emails together and showcase them in one place.
  • Display your emails on your archive homepage, personalized with colors, fonts, and images that match your organization's website.

Link your Archive Homepage from your website

Find several pre-made Archive Homepage buttons for your site, and open your Email Archive directly from your Webpage. Open a listbuilder from the "Join My Mailing List" option from the Archive homepage and see your Contact lists grow!