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  • Convert Plus

Convert Plus Integration for Benchmark Email

Add Convert Plus contacts to your Benchmark Email list(s)

With our Convert Plus integration, you can automatically add your lead data that you collect using Convert Plus popups to a Benchmark Email list. Send automated follow-ups from the moment they submit their information. Available free with every Benchmark account.

Convert Pro


  • Benchmark Email Account (works with Free Starter Plan)
  • Convert Plus plugin(s)

Integration Is Fast & Easy:

  • No download necessary
  • Automatically add leads to your Benchmark Email list(s)
  • Create quality engagement with the power of email marketing

How to Integrate Convert Plus:

Please note: As this is an integration built by Convert Plus, the process to integrate will begin within WordPress.

  1. Install and activate the Connects Benchmark Email Addon that you get with Convert Plus.
  2. When logged to your WordPress Admin Dashboard hover to Convert Plus and click on Connects.
  3. Then, click on the Create New Campaign button.
  4. Name the Campaign and select Benchmark Email from the drop down list.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Authenticate your Benchmark Email account.
  7. Select the Benchmark Email list you wish to integrate with.
  8. Click on the Create Campaign button.
  9. Now, you can select the position of your display by selecting one option below from your Dashboard:
    1. a. Modal Popups
      b. Infobars
      c. Slide-in Popups
  10. Select your display position.
  11. Select the same Campaign in the Submission section.
  12. Click Save

Here is an article that explains the Convert Plus integration process.

If you have any questions on integrating with Convert Plus, please consult their support.