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Targeted Email Marketing

Divide your contact list and engage your customers like never before

In email marketing, the name of the game is targeting. That means the better you understand your user, the more easily you can deliver what they really want. You can start by addressing them by name. Whether one of a handful of contacts or a million addresses strong, Benchmark's list management software allows easy personalization and segmentation. Here are the highlights:

Create Custom Fields

If you want to get to know your subscribers better, you'll have to do more than gather their name and email address. That's where custom fields come in. Create fields of data you can use to divide your list. Make them whatever you want them to be, from dividing up the contacts that buy the most products to segmenting your list based on household income and purchase power.

Email List Segmentation
Email List Splitting

Split Lists Any Which Way

Create everything from mini-lists of your best customers to large lists of subscribers that tend to buy a certain line of products. Use search functions to find each list by keyword, saving you time.

Export Your List Segments

Have a presentation to make? Need paper copies of all your segmented lists? Export your email addresses in Microsoft Excel or text format, day or night, as long as you have Internet access and can log onto our site.

Export Email Lists
Email List Building

Learn How to Build House Lists

In addition to our easy-to-use software features, Benchmark offers free startup guides for optimizing your email marketing. Click on the link to learn about Cleaning House: How to Build Opt-In Email Lists.