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Online Polls

Engage directly with your online visitors

Only you know how to encourage your customers to participate in your email marketing. So ask the questions that will entice your subscribers to get onboard with your products, services or message. Give them a reason to explore your offers. Polls give you the unprecedented convenience and efficiency of direct, free engagement with your subscribers. Put that relationship to use with Benchmark's custom software.

Learn from Your Subscribers

  • Instant feedback and insight
  • Poll takers can view their results and see how others have voted
  • Introduce regular polls to keep customers coming back
  • Use the polls to target segments and focus your email marketing strategy
Online Polls
Email Polls

Email Polls or Take Them Online

  • Cut and paste to your website, blog or social network
  • Users can follow email links to a separate web browser to take the poll
  • Online polls allow poll takers to expand beyond your current customers
  • Create up to 10 polls at once!