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SurveyMonkey Integration for Benchmark Email

Increase the reach of your surveys with email marketing.

With our SurveyMonkey template integration, you can send your surveys to your customers and subscribers. There’s a few different templates and layouts to choose from. This integration is available free with every Benchmark Account.



  • Benchmark Email account (works with Free or Paid Plans)
  • SurveyMonkey Account

Integration Is Fast & Easy:

  • No download necessary
  • Send surveys to your customers and subscribers with ease
  • Expand the reach of your surveys with the power of email marketing

How to Integrate:

You can integrate your SurveyMonkey account on the Integrations page in the User Menu at the top right. Or you can simply do it during the email creation process. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Log in to your Benchmark account
  2. Select Emails from the Dashboard menu
  3. Click on the Create New Email button
  4. On the Create New Email page, by default, the Regular Email will be selected. Click Next
  5. Choose the Drag & Drop Editor and click Next
  6. Complete Step 1 Details
  7. Click Templates
  8. Filter for Integrations and click on SurveyMonkey
  9. Select the SurveyMonkey Template
  10. When prompted, connect to SurveyMonkey if you haven’t already
  11. Select a Template
  12. Select a Survey and Weblink
  13. Click Select

Note: If you have previously connected your SurveyMonkey account with Benchmark, and the integration is failing you will need to disconnect and reconnect to SurveyMonkey again.

To Disconnect your SurveyMonkey Integration follow steps below:

  1. Click on your Username
  2. Then click on Integrations
  3. Scroll down to locate the SurveyMonkey integration.
  4. Now, click on the 3 dots and select Disconnect.