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Targeted Emailing

Targeted emailing makes it easy to identify your most loyal subscribers

General Clicks and Opens

See who your most valued subscribers are based on who is opening or clicking on your emails.

Find subscribers that have opened your emails

Find out who didn’t click in any email

Find out who clicked in some emails

Find out who clicked in all your emails

Click Focus

- A more advanced targeting feature.

- Dig deep and find the subscribers who are engaging with the content with which you want them to connect.

- Find the users who have clicked some or all of the URLs you specify.

  • Who clicked both items?
  • Who clicked Item One?
  • Who clicked Item Two?
  • Who didn’t click?

Reengage or Remove

- Reveal the subscribers on your list who aren’t opening or clicking on any of your emails.

- Clean your list of the contacts who no longer want to hear from you with ease.

Subscriber Engagement

Poor Good Great

A great opportunity to reengage your inactive subscribers!