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I Never Received the Verification Email. What Should I Do Next?
I Never Received the Verification Email. What Should I Do Next?
If you don’t receive a verification email within 20 minutes, there are several steps you should take. Here they are:
- Check your spam or bulk email file
There are a myriad of ways email service providers sort incoming emails. Because these sorting rules are fluid, you may find that important emails are wrongly sent to your spam or bulk email file. Check those files to see if your verification email is in there.
- See if your service is blocking emails from us
Some email service providers may prevent you from receiving certain emails. If this happens, the email will “bounce”, which means it won’t show up in your account, even in your spam or bulk email file. We have an extremely low bounce rate at Benchmark Email, but if you suspect that our emails are being blocked, click on the Help tab in your Benchmark Email account for assistance.
- Send us a verification request
If the verification email never shows up, even in your bulk or spam file, just send us a verification request. To do that, send an email to from the address you wish to verify, with the word “Verify” in the subject line.
Once our support team verifies your email address, you can use it to send out messages to your recipients.
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