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What Are the Benefits of Email Authentication?
Nowadays most businesses rely on email marketing to send their clients notifications, promotions, and updates. When using email marketing, you will need to implement different forms of email authentication to achieve better delivery rates. Email authentication helps by verifying that the emails are actually from you or your business.
All major ISP’s like Hotmail, Gmail, AOL, and Yahoo use email authentication to filter out suspected spam emails. Email authentication can help these ISP’s validate that the email is originating from a legitimate source and the recipient can confirm the mail source. Benefits of Email Authentication
Think of it as a digital identification card: it protects your brand, identity, and reputation. Correctly configuring email authentication standards like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC is one of the most important steps you can take to improve your deliverability. Without email authentication, your emails are at risk, of not being accepted by the ISP’s.
Here is an example of an authenticated and non-authenticated email in Hotmail:
If you would like to implement email authentication to your domain, but need further help feel free to contact one of our dedicated support members.