Auto-Post Emails to a Facebook Business Page
Connect your Benchmark account with your Facebook Business Page and automatically post your email campaigns to one of your pages. The Facebook Auto-Post feature is available in the Drag and Drop, Code, and Plain Text editors.
The Facebook Auto-Post feature will save you time by automatically sharing your emails as a post on your Facebook business pages instead of manually doing it.
Topics covered in this article:
Things to know before you start
- The Facebook feature is available with free and premium Benchmark accounts.
- You should connect your Facebook account to Benchmark BEFORE trying to post email campaigns.
- To use the Facebook Auto-Post feature, you’ll need an active Facebook account with permissions to manage content for at least one Facebook Page. If you don’t have a business page, you can create a Facebook Business Page for free.
- RSS EMAIL enabling the Facebook Auto-Post feature in an RSS Email, your email will post to Facebook when a new post is added to the RSS feed URL at the specified time scheduled in your RSS email.
- You can connect the same Facebook account to multiple Benchmark accounts; however, if one account disconnects Facebook from their Benchmark account, it will automatically disconnect the integration in any other account using the same Facebook account. Therefore, we highly discourage connecting the same Facebook account to multiple Benchmark accounts.
- If using AB Testing, Benchmark will auto-post the winning campaign to your Facebook Business page.
How to connect Benchmark with Facebook
Before you can post your Benchmark emails to Facebook, you’ll need to connect your Facebook Business Page with your Benchmark account.
Follow these steps to connect the accounts:
- In your Benchmark account, click on the user’s menu.
- Select the Integration option from the dropdown menu.

- Locate the Facebook option and click on the Connect button.

- You will be redirected to the Facebook interface.
- Now, log into Facebook. If you already have an open session, you will be asked if you want to continue on the same session.
- Select the pages you want to use with Benchmark Email. Then, click on Next.

- In the next screen, you’ll select the permissions. By default, all permissions are set to Yes. Click on Done to continue.
To properly set up the Facebook and Benchmark integration, we recommend approving all Facebook permission requests when connecting.

- Confirm the integration by clicking OK. You will be back to the Benchmark interface.

Your Benchmark account is now connected to your Facebook Business Page.

If you need, you can test the connection by clicking on the More Options icon and selecting Test Connection.

A popup will display the result.

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How to auto-post an email to Facebook
Follow the steps below to post a Regular or RSS Email to your Facebook page. The Facebook auto-post feature does not work with previously sent emails.
- Select the email you want to post or create a new one.
- Scroll down to the Link Tracking & Sharing section. You can click on the Edit link or directly in the Link & Tracking section.
- Enable the Auto-post this email to a Facebook business page option by toggling the bar from grey to blue.
If you skipped the connection process, this option would be disabled. However, you can integrate Facebook with Benchmark by clicking on the Connect option and following
steps 5 to 9 from the integration process.

- Select the Facebook page where you want to post the email; you can only select one page per email.

If you need to post to more than one page, you can use the
Share option found on the Email Reports page after the email is sent.
- Click Save to finish the process. After saving your changes, this section will reflect your Facebook account and Facebook Business page, and your email is ready to be Sent.
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How is the email displayed as a Facebook Post
The email’s post layout in your Facebook business page will be determined by the images in your email. The direction of the first image will determine the post’s layout. For best results, we recommend using horizontal images instead of vertical images.
Here is how your email auto-post will display on your Facebook business page
- The first image in your email will be the image used in the Facebook post. If there is no image in the email, your post will only show the name of the email and the email’s URL.
- The post will also include the email’s webpage version URL.
- Last, Facebook will show your email’s subject line.

Tip Facebook’s recommendation for images in a post is 1,200 x 628 pixels. If the first image in your email has an aspect ratio of about 2:1, it should display correctly. For vertical (portrait) images: 1,080 x 1,350 pixels. To learn how to resize your images,
click here.

Here are a few other examples of possible email post layouts:

Email with a horizontal image

Email with a vertical image

Email with no image
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How to disconnect Facebook
If you need to change the Facebook account, add a new one or simply don’t want to continue using the feature, you can disconnect your Facebook account at any time.
Follow these steps to disconnect:
- In your Benchmark account, click on the user’s menu.
- Select Integrations from the dropdown menu.
- Locate the Facebook app in the integrations directory.
- Click on the More Options icon next to the Facebook app and select Disconnect from the dropdown menu.

Your Facebook account is now disconnected.
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In the connection process, it is crucial to grant access to all of the Facebook permissions. If only a few permissions are given, some features in Benchmark like Facebook Audience or the Auto-Post could stop working.
To use the Auto-Post feature, the following three permissions are required.
- Show a list of the pages you manage
- Read content posted on the page
- Create and manage content on your page
If not all permissions are given, a notification regarding the partial connection will display in the integrations directory and your email’s checklist.

To remove the notification, you’ll need to confirm your permissions in Facebook, then disconnect your account and reconnect to update your settings or click on the reconnect link in the notification. Make sure this time you have all the permissions.
- If you created your page before January 6th, 2021, you are using the classic pages. Some pages created after that date are now using the new page experience.
- With classic pages, you assign a role, and specific permissions are given.

- In the new experience, you can assign specific task permissions (such as “manage page content” to someone you shared page access.
- To switch between classic and the new experience, click here. Please keep in mind that the new Page experience might not yet be available in your country.
- Only Admin and Editor roles have access to post on a business page. Make sure you have one of these roles to be able to use the auto-post feature. To learn more about Facebook roles, click here.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Am I able to post email campaigns to Twitter?
Yes! You can also share email campaigns with your Twitter account. To learn how click here.
Can I share Benchmark surveys or polls on Facebook?
Yes, you can share your surveys and polls on Facebook. You’ll need to copy the URL assigned to the survey or poll and post it on your Facebook page. Select one of the links below to learn how to get the URL to share.
How can I post my email on more than one Facebook Page?
The Auto-Post feature allows you to post your email campaign on one Facebook page. Follow these steps if you need to post the same email campaign on a second Facebook page:
- Once the email campaign is sent and posted on one of your Facebook pages, go to your Benchmark account main dashboard and click on Reports.
- Select Email Reports and click on the name of the email campaign you want to share on the second Facebook page.
- In the Email Report dashboard, click on the More options icon, and from the dropdown menu, select Share.

- On the new page, click on the Facebook icon. In the Facebook popup, select the option Share on Page You Manage, then select the page.

- Last, click on the Post to Facebook button.
This sharing option will allow you to post on one page. If you want to share the email campaign on multiple pages, you will have to repeat this process.
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If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact our support team via Email, LiveChat or Phone.