Top 7 Ways to Become a Better Email Marketer There are seven easy, simple, and basic ways that you can become a better email marketer today. None of these require massive data integrations, culture overhauls or other forms of paradigm shifting. Follow these seven common sense procedures and you will substantially benefit your entire marketing process, as well as your customers. ![]() Only six out of every ten email marketers ever review extremely basic metrics such as click-throughs and opens, thus failing to take into consideration the critical aspect of prospect engagement. Due to this oversight, many email marketers have reached the limit of what the basic metrics of email tracking can tell them about their campaigns. A complete understanding of your marketing efficiencies, your ROI, and how your entire audience is reacting to your emails can only be achieved through meticulous monitoring of the more sophisticated engagement metrics. Vigilance is called for in not only fully comprehending what this data says about your campaigns, but also on how to administer effective strategies to fix what’s broken. Ask yourself: Are You Overlooking Critical Engagement Metrics? ![]() A firsthand look at how one company used a well-timed email campaign to capitalize on the fun and good times of a vacation. Timing is an important factor in email marketing. This article discusses how email sent leading up to and directly after a vacation played to a company's advantage. Think about when your emails are sent out and how they could change the effectiveness of your campaigns. Read about: How Princess Cruises Made My Vacation Memorable...with Email Marketing. |
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If your brand markets internationally (and most do), you are not only writing for an audience which resides between Maine and California, but for a prospect who may live in Canada, Australia, Britain, India, South Africa, the Philippines or more than fifty other nations. As there is no universal English, email marketers are well advised to craft their targeted messages in the specific type of English that is practiced by their audience. Your list’s statistical data has to include your customers’ nationalities. It’s as confusing to supply a recipe for “a treacle-glazed, rasher-wrapped hand of pork with capsicum, silver beet and sultana forcemeat” to an American audience as it is to provide the same “molasses-glazed, bacon-wrapped pork shoulder with red pepper, Swiss chard and raisin stuffing” recipe to your prospects in New Zealand, Ireland, Kenya, Hong Kong, Pakistan, Singapore, Jamaica… Find out which Americanized English words might sound like a foreign language to some of your list. Read all about Composing Email for International Customers. |
Email Marketing Crash Course
![]() Sign up for Benchmark Email Marketing Webinars. Benchmark Email, based in sunny Southern California, has always strived to be the standard in email marketing. Email marketing knows no borders. Benchmark Email is proud to offer Benchmark Email Español. It’s the same great email marketing service so many have come to know and love, but so much more than a simple translation. Our team has worked tirelessly to prepare the full scope of Benchmark Email for the Spanish speaking audience. Our Spanish team is comprised of native speakers, here to make you feel at home with Benchmark Email. Follow our Spanish social networking accounts on both Twitter and Facebook. Vote for "we do it for you” email marketing program
Refer & Earn Through The Benchmark Email Partner Program ![]() Benchmark Email offers an exclusive Partner Program that can earn you a full 25% of the purchases made by your referrals, not just for a month, but for as long as they participate. This lucrative and rewarding opportunity is available to you right now. Benchmark Email Partners have learned how easy it is to earn over $5,000 a month - month after month - by simply informing their contacts of the extraordinary email marketing services provided by Benchmark Email. Yes, a number of Benchmark Email Partners are earning that amount right now. You can, too! Unlike the countless online linking schemes that are designed to profit only the originator, the Benchmark Email Partner Program is a proven, legitimate, cash-generating business opportunity that rewards you fairly and equitably for the contacts you bring to the site. |
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