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Create Email

Choose from dozens of themed templates - or simply use your own.

Successful email marketers know that a great template can really boost your email open rates. That's why we've created dozens of themed email templates, and they're all included free with your monthly or yearly payment plan. If you'd rather use your own HTML template, that's okay too. It'll work just fine with our Email Builder.

Here's what you can do with our email templates:
Add images and links back to landing pages on your site.
Create custom email surveys with automatic answer tracking.
Drag-and-drop in text boxes, headlines and more.
Check your spelling with our spell checker feature.
Use our spam checker to find words that could trigger email filters.
Arrange your email layout exactly how you want it.

Are you ready to check out our HTML email templates? Why not sign up for a free 30-day trial? You won't even need a credit card.

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