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Trends, Spam, Privacy and Regulation


Email Best Practices Apply to Everyone

Did the White House cross the line in their email marketing efforts to inform people about healthcare reforms?

Recently, the White House sent a string of emails to citizens telling them about the stand the government has taken on healthcare reforms. However, some recipients complained that those mails were ‘unsolicited.’ As a result, doubts were raised about the address gathering techniques employed by White House officials, which critics said, were on par with the ones used by spammers.

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Bulk Emailing Isn’t Always Bad

A clear example that demonstrates how the CAN SPAM Act was passed to preserve and improve standards of email marketing.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recently sided with online marketing company, Virtumundo, and rejected a suit filed by an anti-spam campaigner. The court declared that there are certain ‘beneficial aspects of email marketing’ and that the CAN SPAM Act was not passed to stifle these aspects but to preserve them.

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Harvested Email Addresses Often Reap Unwanted Returns

Despite so many articles and information on the Internet on how one can collect email addresses legally, people still harvest them.

Recently, Miriam Slater from Santa Barbara and Sara Golden from Los Angeles filed a lawsuit against Tagged.com alleging that the social network deceived them into disclosing their contacts and sent misguiding advertisements to those email addresses.

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ISP To Launch Service That Informs Customers About Virus Infections

Comcast's automated pop-ups, which inform users about infections on their computers, is an important step to counter spamming and phishing.

Earlier in October, Philadelphia-based cable company, Comcast launched an automated service which warns broadband users about possible virus infections and malware on their computers. For example, a sudden surge in email traffic from a specific IP (Internet Protocol) address could mean that the system’s been hijacked by a virus, which uses it to send spam as part of a botnet.

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Your Domain Reputation Will Matter the Most

The introduction of domain-based reputation monitoring will enable marketers to achieve better delivery rates.

In what seems to be an encouraging trend, renowned Internet service providers have gradually started moving towards domain-based reputation monitoring. If this initiative takes off, legitimate email marketers can expect better email delivery rates.

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