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Marketing Stats

Email Marketing for the Entertainment Industry

Entertainment Email Marketing Statistics
This collection of statistical data was derived from a wide variety of studies and surveys published by leading industry research sources. The data was combined and includes the answers received from direct conversations with entertainment business owners and managers.
Entertainment Businesses that Engage in Email Marketing
Forty-seven percent of entertainment professionals report they currently utilize email marketing. The two percent who are not currently engaged in email campaigns claim they have plans to use it in the future. Larger content providers and distributors have already embraced email marketing as central to their promotional activities. However, the entertainment business is so diverse that when it comes to email marketing, it is difficult to make generalizations about current overall usage.
Entertainment Sending Frequency
Fifty-two percent of all entertainment email newsletters are sent monthly, reflecting the greatest proportion of email sends. Newsletters sent on a more than monthly basis account for 41 percent of sends, while less than monthly sends account for seven percent. Four percent of the surveyed reported a bi-monthly send rate; two percent, a quarterly rate; and one percent, an annual send frequency.
Entertainment Content Type
Email newsletter content blending of informational aspects with sales or forms of discounting and vouchers accounts for thirty-four percent of entertainment business emails. Information-only emails made up 28 percent of all newsletters, while emails lacking informational content and focusing directly on sales and discount coupons account for thirty-eight percent.
How Entertainment Businesses Obtain Email Subscribers
Entertainment businesses appear to have a larger proportion of current customers on their email subscription lists than might be expected: Fifty-two percent of subscribers are current customers, and twenty-three percent are subscribers enrolled through a series of promotions. The Web is responsible for 20 percent of the subscriber entries, while one percent is made up of leads purchased or otherwise supplied. Various public events account for 4 percent of subscribers.
Typical Entertainment Email Subscriber List Size
More than 35 percent of all subscriber lists have fewer than 500 entries, with the balance of 65 percent being larger lists: eight percent of lists have 500 to 1,000 subscribers; 12 percent have 1,000 to 3,000; 18 percent contain 3,000 to 5,000; and 27 percent have more than 5,000. Since this level of more than 5,000 is achieved by the larger entertainment businesses, it can be inferred that those lists could number in the hundreds of thousands and even in the millions.
Entertainment List Segments
Since many entertainment businesses currently engaged in email marketing are high volume users with an elevated level of technical sophistication, segmentation, or targeted email marketing, seems to be well utilized by more than eight of every ten entertainment business owners and managers. A robust 82 percent amass marketing benefits by segmenting their email subscriber lists, while only 18 percent email identical content to all subscribers.