If you are using email marketing or other online advertising techniques to drive potential guests to a destination that contains more information regarding your event, it is highly advisable to set up a custom
landing page that focuses on nothing but the affair at hand. You essentially have two options here: you could create a page that resides on a subdomain of your primary domain (e.g. youreventpage.yourwebsite.com), or set up a separate page within your main website.
Either option could work but the more important task is making yourself familiar with the best practices of customizing a landing page for your event:
Create a Seamless Transition - Whether it's from an email or advertisement, the content that leads a user to learn more about your event should transition smoothly into your landing page. This means everything needs to match up. For example, if you are offering a 15% off discount to the event in your message, your landing page must reflect the exact same cost savings. People are already suspicious enough, and failing to completely meet their expectations will only raise them.
Eliminate Distractions - One of the main reasons event marketers choose to set up a landing page on a subdomain is to eliminate distractions, which can be easily done since it is like having a separate website. By creating a page within your existing site, you run the risk of users being distracted by existing navigational elements that could potentially cause them to view other content without registering for your event. If creating a subdomain is not an option, make sure your landing page is designed with minimal distractions and keeps the user focused on the event.
Stay above the Fold - In many ways, a good landing page is similar to a good email message. You must give readers the important details as quickly as possible and this cannot happen if your main call to action is at the bottom of the page. For this reason it is best to keep your registration form and other important elements above the fold, meaning they fit within the top of the browser window and can be viewed without having to scroll.