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Social Stats

Metrics: Tracking & Reporting

Another Benchmark Email reporting feature that is proving more useful for marketers is a metric that allows you to track your social email efforts. Whether you believe social media is the next big thing in marketing or not, this channel is thriving and provides a continuous, easy way for you to connect with your users. Using the buttons that allow subscribers to share your content from the inbox, and custom FBML (Facebook Markup Language) applications for your fan page, are just two examples of how you can give your email campaigns life in the social media channel.

Some email marketers avoid social media integration because they don't have the time or don't see the value in it for their business. Others avoid it because they have no idea how they will measure their impact. Benchmark Email makes it incredibly easy with social stats, a feature that gives you the ability to track how your campaigns are performing on the most popular social networks. It allows you to see how many times your campaigns have been shared on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. You can also track the number of Facebook likes your campaigns have received. If you are serious about making these two channels work together for your business, tracking social stats will undoubtedly be critical to your integrated marketing strategy.