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Maximize Your Online Presence

Introduction to Online Marketing

How to Make the Most of Online Marketing
Email marketing grew in tandem with the internet. Resiliency has enabled this old school technique to thrive in spite of spam and stay relevant amidst the many new channels that at one time or another were viewed as a threat to its existence. Still, although arguably the digital medium's most effective marketing tactic, it benefits from a wide variety of supplementary strategies.

As you seek to expand your online presence, you will need to evolve with the market. Peruse any leading journal or survey on the growth of email use, especially since the rise in mobile devices, and you can rest assured that it will remain the core method of access. But if a business does not build upon this foundation, it runs the risk of being confined to the inbox alone. The web is multidimensional and your online strategy must follow suit. This guide should function as an introduction to the broader methods of advertising and interacting beyond the inbox.

The wealth of options presented by the internet gives the savvy marketer the capacity to not only explore but also sculpt those opportunities. The following will highlight other forms of media you can branch out to and discuss some of the factors that need to be considered in order to maximize your marketing efforts.