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What's Your Online Marketing Strategy?

Introduction to Online Marketing

What's Your Online Marketing Strategy?
Customers and potential subscribers are logging on all the time. Thanks to the growing prevalence of the internet, online marketing is increasingly becoming an integral part of business (and social) marketing operations. As you have learned, there are several options available, each with its own pros and cons, so having a plan and soundly executing it is crucial. Tap into your informational resources, determine which methods are best suited for your marketing efforts, and devise a strategy that enables you to meet your business objectives.

As you build an online presence, you will incorporate the tools needed to gain traction with the prospects you want to convert. Small businesses especially have an exciting new chance to engage the internet's multidimensionality: fostering likes and connections with Facebook and LinkedIn; participating in questions and answers on related forums and business blogs; optimizing for the search crawlers with quality content and vetted strategies; broadcasting yourself; tweeting regularly to tap your perpetually moving subscriber base; and providing your users with customized HTML email newsletters, targeted autoresponders and promotional info and deals.

Choose wisely which areas you invest in and refrain from spreading yourself too thin. Focus on the areas you need the most work in or where you want to plant your stake. And do not be discouraged by the plethora of available channels. Online marketing requires users to be every bit as dynamic as the internet itself. Meet that challenge and your business will not go unnoticed for long.