Although we have extensively covered tightening up your content based on many of the universal best practices, nothing in the digital world is ever etched in stone. For example, it may be absolutely necessary to switch up your voice if the diversity of your list so calls for it. On a similar note, select terms that trigger
spam filters for others could be exactly what it takes to get your message opened. It should be your audience who dictates your approach, and the most reliable way to find out what works for them is progressive testing.
Regularly conduct comparative tests of your subject lines, message copy, and content in general to gauge how your audience is responding. Take the results, apply accordingly, and you will continually provide them with the content that best matches up to their needs and preferences.
The internet and your email are primarily visual mediums. A slick design and
custom HTML templates can do wonders for your online marketing plan, but they won’t be enough to sustain subscribers who want more substance with their style. Ultimately, your service or products will be your main selling points, and how you approach prospects, how you engage them, how you excite them, will depend entirely on how you communicate with them.