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account up to 100,000 contacts

This List Plan 100K sponsorship package is available to your organization at absolutely no cost now or ever. Take advantage of all of Benchmark Email's advanced functions. Send to 100,000 contacts up to 7 times per month. There will never be a payable invoice of any kind issued at any time!

What you gain with Benchmark Email

  • Comprehensive social networking integration
  • Complete tracking & reporting options
  • 400+ Multimedia Capable Email Templates
  • Fully interactive surveys & polling forms
  • Thorough contact list management tools
  • Professional segmentation capabilities
  • Expert testing facilities
  • Real-time campaign analysis for instantaneous feedback
  • Correlation with Google Analytics
  • Extended hours for online/live call coaching & support

The Benchmark Email Sponsorship Is Yours 100% Free in Perpetuity

Benchmark Email's consummate professional programmers, designers, engineers, delivery facilitators, content specialists, and customer service experts stand ready to provide to your PTA, PTO, or PTSA this unmatched and thoroughly philanthropic sponsorship. Contact Benchmark Email to swiftly and easily obtain your totally free, state of the art, email campaign sponsorship with no strings attached. Ever!

No Hidden Agenda or Ulterior Motives

Benchmark Email's only motivation is to support the progress of the children of America. We are exclusively affiliated with the agenda to promote, assist, and help promulgate the goals of every parent teacher organization in the country from the national level all the way down to the smallest K-8 school. Benchmark Email proudly sponsors organizations and non-profits that benefit children. You can learn more by visiting our Free Email Marketing for Non-Profits page.

How Benchmark Email Can Sponsor Your PTA

Benchmark Email stands ready to sponsor your PTA, PTO, or PTSA with a fully featured and comprehensive email service account in perpetuity at absolutely no charge. As part of our philanthropic program to assist our nation's children to the greatest extent of excellence possible, Benchmark Email is sponsoring every parent and teacher organization in the nation to facilitate their online communications requirements, while reducing the cost of the email service line item in your budget to zero.

What Is Benchmark Email?

Benchmark Email is an industry-leading permission-based email service provision company with a sterling reputation for deliverability, advanced technology, and ease of use. By providing award-winning software and state of the art features, Benchmark Email has had its client list expand to well over 73,000 satisfied users.

Create Your Free PTA Account

I confirm that I have read and agree to follow Benchmark's Terms of Use, User Pledge.
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If you have any questions,don't hesitate to contact us at 800.430.4095 or via email at sales@benchmarkemail.com

Interesting Facts

The Direct Marketing Association consistently ranks email marketing ROI as over $40 per dollar invested. Compare that to traditional media (direct mail, newspaper advertisements) whose audiences are slowly diminishing and whose impacts cannot be tracked. With email metrics, you can not only analyze who opened your message but also who didn't receive it, who's sharing it on social media and where in the world they're clicking from. You can now put all these services to use, absolutely free.