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  • Artigos de Email Marketing

Artigos de Email Marketing

Informação sobre Email Marketing, artigos, guias e mais
Os nossos materiais sobre email marketing tratam sobre os erros mais comuns e melhores práticas deste assunto. Mostraremos a você como criar sua primeira lista de contatos, escrever uma mensagem eficaz e ensinaremos como ler e entender os resultados. Veja abaixo alguns destes conteúdos explicativos (em inglês).
Email Marketing 101
What is email marketing? And how can it benefit your small business? Check out these great articles on using email marketing campaigns to increase your visibility and turn subscribers into customers.

Email Lists
You're ready to get the word out about your company or small business. You know that email marketing is the way to go. But who are you going to send to? Learn about building a house list and opt-in emails here!

Email Polling and Online Surveys
Email marketing gives businesses an unprecedented level of contact with their customers and clients. Don't let it go to waste. Use email polls and online surveys to find out what your subscribers really want.

HTML Email Formatting
Benchmark provides hundreds of HTML Email Templates, but a professional email campaign doesn't end there. Design a custom newsletter that draws your recipients' attention. Learn how to avoid common HTML formatting mistakes and craft engaging layouts.

Online Marketing
After you've created your email campaign, give your subscribers a place to click-through. Archive your past email newsletters and build easy-to-navigate landing pages to introduce users to your website.

The bane of inboxes everywhere, spammers are daily exposing your recipients to phishing scams and other nasty pursuits. Spam filters are cracking down on emails harder every year and you need to know how to rescue your campaign from the blacklist.

Video Email Marketing
Are you ready to advertise on Web 2.0? Embrace the visual medium with video emails and give your users something to share with their social network.