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Entertainment Email Marketing

Raising the Curtain on the Power of Email Marketing

Whether you're casting celebrities in major projects for the silver screen or renting out media systems to small screen viewers, the entertainment industry undoubtedly plays a role in your life. As access to entertainment is expanded by the Web and online industries, it becomes more difficult each day for entertainment businesses to interact with current and potential clientele. Cue Benchmark Email's guide to raising the curtain on Email Marketing for the Entertainment Industry. We'll teach you how to build a great online reputation and bring your prospective clients the information they really want to know. Explore this free, downloadable PDF or read it directly from our site. It's a real show stopper.
What's Inside
Raise the Curtain
Business Sectors
Marketing Stats
Email Open Rates
Clicks & Metrics
Marketing Goals
How to Engage
Email Software
Creating the Plan
Try Benchmark

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