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non profit pricing

Benchmark Email offers a 25% discount to registered non-profit organizations. If your business is non-profit why not take advantage of this generous discount? We understand you might need to maximize your savings and to do so you can combine additional discounts such as our semi annual or annual discount.

Semi Annual 10%

Annual 15%

To apply the non-profit discount email us the following items to Support@benchmarkemail.com

Subject Line: Non-profit Discount

  • Benchmark Email username
  • Copy of your IRS 501(c) determination letter

Important If your company is outside the United States, you can provide us with an equivalent type of document issued by your country.

Once we receive the proper documents, we will set up your account with the non-profit pricing and send you a confirmation email when complete.

To ensure your account is set up with the correct discount, please do not purchase a paying plan before we have confirmed your non-profit status. If you were already a paying customer before sending us your Non-profit documents, the 25% discount would be applicable from the next billing cycle onwards.

Are you a PTA or a non-profit that benefits children? Check out our PTA Plan or our We Care About Kids program.