
Your payment processing selection will determine the fees charged per ticket sold at your event. Your 3 payment processing options are listed below:

  • Benchmark EasyPay

  • Paypal.com

  • Authorize.net

  • Credit cards
  • Paypal
  • Authorzenet

Authorize.net Processing

Here’s a breakdown of the fees for Events with Authorize.net as the Payment Processor

Benchmark service charge
(per ticket sold):

$0.75 + 2% of the ticket price

Authorize.net service charge:

2.9% of ticket price + $0.30 per transaction (estimated - fees may vary).


Ticket Price = $20
Benchmark Service Fee = $0.75 + $0.40
Authorize.net Service Fee = $0.58 + $0.30 (est.)
Total Fees = $2.03 (est.)

Do I pay this fee?

Yes. Unlike with credit card transactions, you do not have the ability to pass this fee on to your ticket buyers. Benchmark never handles the monies in an Authorize.net transaction; thus, Authorize.net will deduct its fees from any transaction sent to them.

Is this process fast for my ticket buyers?

Fast, but not as fast as using our credit card processor. Buyers must temporarily leave your event webpage to complete their transaction.

Can I process refunds?

Yes. We integrate our refund process with Authorize.net.

How am I paid?

This is between you and Authorize.net. Benchmark does not handle the monies for Authorize.net processed events.

Can I accept tickets at the door or via checks in the mail?

Yes. If accepting cash or check for tickets, we can even help you track these offline ticket sales.

How does Benchmark collect fees from Authorize.net. ticket sales?

Benchmark will bill your credit card for any fees that result from your ticket sales. The billing will occur on a monthly basis while your ticket sales are active.