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Email Tracking & Reporting

Get real-time updates on your email campaigns

Nothing is more maddening than having to wait for results. Thanks to our real-time tracking and reporting tools, you'll see open rates, click-throughs, bounces and more exactly when they happen. Compare campaigns side-by-side, check out your online survey answers, and even view who forwarded emails to friends with our sophisticated, robust email tracking and reporting tools.

Track your Opens, Clicks and

See email opens, clicked-on links and customer activity as it happens. See which emails bounced and make notes on which emails to take off your list for next time. Watch who forwarded emails to their friends, colleagues, family and more. Track who unsubscribed so you can get a jump start on growing your list to make up for lost subscribers.

Track your Opens, Clicks and Bounces

Compare past email campaigns

You can view your campaigns side-by-side and compare how well each one did. Check out the answers to your survey early on to detect patterns and get a head start on your next campaign.

Compare past email campaigns

Email Opens Geographic Map

  • Get the Big Picture of where most of your customers are located
  • Create custom email lists based on geographic location
  • Build and send custom campaigns targeting customers in certain countries and cities
  • Focus your efforts on pockets of people in different areas