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Pricing FAQs

Detailed pricing info

If my list size shrinks or grows, do I pay more or less?

We do not change your plan automatically based on your list activities. If you need to add more contacts, you have to make sure it will fit within your plan. If the plan you currently have does not allow that many contacts you will have to upgrade. However, if your list shrinks you will be in charge of downgrading your account.

If I pay a monthly or yearly rate, what will I get for my money?

Plenty. Access to all our all our engagement features. Need more detail? Keep reading.

Email Marketing

  • Complete list management tools so you can upload, segment and store your lists.
  • Access to custom Signup Forms to grow your list by grabbing subscriptions on your Website.
  • Professionally designed and themed templates.
  • Use of our drag-and-drop Email Designer that you can use with our templates or to create your own.
  • A complete suite to manage all your contacts. You can upload your own, add them one-by-one or cut and paste email addresses, customer info and more.
  • Detailed, real-time reports to view click-throughs, open rates and more.
  • Tracking and reporting tools you can use to compare your campaigns side by side.
  • Complete access to our email engagement coaching and support center, where you can view how-to articles, participate in Webinars and more.
  • Automate customer journeys that can be built on our digital canvas.

Online Surveys

  • A robust survey creation tool with fully customizable fonts, backgrounds and more.
  • The ability to create your own set of 20 questions, with answers that feed directly into our reporting suite.
  • The option to use essay, multiple choice, and other types of answers.

If I sign up for Benchmark Email, will you make me sign a contract?

Absolutely not. We invite you to use our service on a month-to-month basis. Feel free to cancel your account before the next payment cycle if you feel our service does not suit your needs. However, we encourage you to contact us first to see if there's anything we can do to rectify the situation.

What if I don't send emails or use my account for a month? Am I still on the hook for my monthly fee?

Yes, we will not cancel your account due to lack of use. You are responsible for cancelling your account.

If you wish to cancel your account, keep in mind Sign up Forms, Automations, and Automations Pro will no longer work once the account is canceled. You will be able to log into the account however, you will not be able to send any emails.

I'd like to get a discount on your services. How can I do that?

We offer 3 types of discounts.

  • Annual Plan 15% Discount- If you pay for a year in advance we will take off 15% from the total.
  • Semi Annual 10% Discount- Pay for 6 months in advance and we will remove 10% off the total.
  • Non-Profit 25% Discount- If you have a Non-Profit simply send us a copy of your 501c(3) or equivalent and we will apply a 25% discount to your account.
  • Can the Discounts be combined?

    Yes, you can have a Non-Profit discount and still use the 15% or 10% discount off your plan.